Larger facilities are a practical way to bring your price-per-bed down.
Incorporating larger recreation rooms, larger dorm rooms or more Cabins allows for a greater number of people to share the cost of facilities. We can also allow for future proofing with over-specified Septic Systems and Resource Consents, so you can upscale as required/when required.
Our facilities have been specifically designed as incredibly hardwearing and low maintenance with options to reduce running costs.
We incorporate
Everything listed below can be added to your design to personalise your build.
Cabin & covered walkway or dorm style living options
Solar water and heating options
Commercial kitchens for individual or catered cooking, inside or outside
Recreational areas - volleyball courts, BBQ areas, swimming pools
Personal lockers in communal areas to minimise contraband
Smart bathrooms- shower timers, water restrictors, easy clean linings, bulk toiletries dispensers
Healthy living solutions- mechanical ventilation, mould resistant furnishings and easy clean hard surfaces
Security systems to reduce theft and misconduct
Full compliance with Immigration NZ RSE requirements